Whenever a bunch of Microsoft-type geeks gather to have fun, Chris Koenig is sure to pull out some XBox 360s and games for folks to enjoy. Dallas .NET User Group's Casino Night was no exception. The difference was that in this case the game of the night was Rockband, and Chris could hardly be pulled away from the game to receive the recognition the group gave him for being such a great Developer Evangelist and User Group supporter. In tribute to this, I give you a montage of Chris playing Rockband, set to Jonathan Coulton's wonderful Code Monkey.
I love the Dallas/Fort Worth developer community, I've got friends who work for all sorts of companies around the metroplex. Of course, as a consultant myself some of the best and brightest in the area unfortunately work for other firms. Two of the biggest hoarders of .NET Talent in D/FW are Improving Enterprises and of course, Telligent. As you all know I'm a little passionate about the We Are Microsoft event, so I decided to take some time after the InstallFest the other day and call out Improving Enterprises and Telligent on camera, this is what ensued. So you've heard it, both Improving Enterprises and Telligent will be there. If your a Telligent employee and interested, I'd suggest contacting Jay Leask and if you're an Improving Enterprises employee I suggest Caleb Jenkins. Many thanks to Cory Smith and Dave O'Hara for working the camera for me so I could call people out properly on camera myself.
As I've mentioned before, there is a big event coming up in January that has developers donating their time to benefit local charities. The event is called We Are Microsoft and is put on by Microsoft (care of Chris Koenig) and is being run by Toi Wright. I had a chance to catch up with Toi at the Visual Studio 2008 InstallFest last night, and ask her about the event. Here is that chat.