
I'm pleased to report that I've been accepted into "The Hidden Network" of HiddenNetwork.com.  You can now find job listings from companies interested in hiring those who care about their trade on the sidebar of my blog. Likewise, employers you can link from the side of my blog directly to a form allowing you to reach the best and brightest in technology.  Unlike the hordes at Monster, this network is based around those dedicated enough to read blogs which relate to their field.

EdSquared interviewed for .NET Rocks!

You saw it hear first folks, Ed K. and Ed B. of EdSquared.com have just sat down for a chat with Carl Franklin and Richard Cambell of .NET Rocks!  More power to these excellent Sogeti consultants for their great work, blog and community involvement.   This photo taken at the wonderful Tulsa TechFest!

Leaving for Tulsa TechFest

A free day of training, talks by Ron Jacobs, Carl Franklin, Marcus Egger, Chip Wilson, Shaun Walker, Mark Miller ... and that's just the Keynote track of 12 tracks of training! The Team System track has talks by the Eds or EdSquared.com and I'm speaking in the Open Source track and the Unit Testing track. If you're anywhere in the greater Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas area and not doing something this Saturday, get your way to Tulsa and join us all.  Did I mention it was free? Oh and I suppose you could wish me a Happy Birthday as well, since today (10/13) is my birthday as well.