The EA Group

Natty has put up an initial wiki for The Enterprise Architecture Group.  It can be found here.Add your contact information to the page if you'd like to be kept informed as things progress.

It is here ... and it is wonderful

Well, the Tablet has arrived and here are my impressions with only 1 weekend under my belt. Wow ... that's light. My previous Sattelite from Toshiba now feels like a brick Loving Ink. Alot. I'm someone who naturally does alot of hand notes and drawings. I'm officially out of the business of losing them from now on. That said, you can't replace the keyboard. It's just to slow for alot of things. I find myself opening the tablet to laptop mode more than I fooled myself into believing I would prior to getting it. Overall ... love it!

Enterprise Architecture Online User Group Forming...

You can find out more about it here.  I'm there.