My Journey To Fitness

Creating a smaller me, one workout at a time.

90 Pounds in 90 Days

A wise mentor once told me that a goal isn’t a goal unless you tell someone. My wife and I have committed to a major change in lifestyle, we are going to spend the next year doing everything we can to lose alot of weight. Our plans begins on Thursday, July 26th, 2012, and roughly involves:

  • Commiting to a Paleo Diet lifestyle - Removing grains, legumes and dairy from our diet completely.
  • 2 hours of workout, per day, 6 days a week - Sunday is our day of rest, otherwise we will be working out. Current plan is for this to be early morning workouts, 5:30am - 7:30am each day.
  • Weekly weigh-ins - Every week, on Wednesday evening, we will weigh in and take 5 photos : full body front, full body back, full body profile, closeup face front, closeup face back.

I am a person that is motivated by numbers and so I’ve set a personal goal for myself : Lose 90 pounds in 90 days. That will take a major commitment to limiting the amount of calories I take in every day, in addition to all of the workout I’ve got scheduled. It’s not at all sure I can make that number, but I am committed. During the journey I’ll be using this blog to talk about my results, what sucks and what doesn’t, and generally try to keep myself sane. Expect me to talk recipes, goals & progress towards them, workout techniques, motivators and demotivators, and lots of other stuff.